… this was an awesome concert at Kesselhaus Berlin, Kulturbrauerei at Schönhauser Allee, truly joyful inspiration for these dark & foggy days :-)
All posts by Susanne
After the Butcher
#berlinsights.de proudly presents:
‘after the butcher’ continues to invite for art and performance-led exchange, see them at after-the-butcher.de
… more common ground continues to be sought. The artists lay out the thus created social tensions and dichotomies between speculation and profit maximisation against the basic housing needs (…)
_AFTER THE BUTCHER. showroom for contemporary art and social issues, currently features ‘atb #88 / Palimpsest – Zwischen den Zeichen lesen’ by Ciara Philipps and Jean-Ulrick Désert, to visit until January 30, 2022.
draussen stadt berlin November 2021: WELTBEWEGEND / ESCAPE
LIFEBELTS scattered along Berlin Spandau’s Citadel “Appellplatz” refer to military call grounds of Prussia’s wars in the late 18th until end of 19th century. Patricia Pisani’s allusion to global escape mechanisms is talking about the worldwide more than 80 million refugees the UN system currently aims to assist, with no end of the crisis in sight: a ‘MUST-SEE’ worth visiting while in Berlin, on until November 14, 2021, see link: https://www.zitadelle-berlin.de/weltbewegend/.
Autumn 2021 in Berlin
While Germany’s autumn colours are in full swing, Sudan struggles again with military powers, fore more info see https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-59033142
… and Berlin continues digesting post elections results (Sept 26, 2021) with forthcoming mayor Franziska Giffey, likely to form a new Red – Green – Red coalition :-).
berlinsights tours 2021
Being trained on-the-job! with Susanne #berlinsights.de
Femmes de Lettres, Berlin HU: Humboldt Universität 07. – 08.10.2021
Schreiben & ‚Femmes de Lettres‘ 17. & 18. Jh.
Berlin & Federal Elections September 26, 2021
#berlinsights.de quotes September 17, 2021:
Enteignungsinitiative: Wohnungsankauf «Hinterzimmerdeal»
“Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen” © dpa / Christophe Gateau/dpa/Archivbild
Enteignungsinitiative: Wohnungsankauf «Hinterzimmerdeal»
Berlin (dpa/bb) – (…) According to the Initiative “Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen”, speaker Moheb Shafaqyar says: “We do support transfer of housing as public good, yet not along deals arranged in the backyard (so-called ‘Hinterzimmerdeals’) and not at speculative prices.”
The issue of socialisation or ‘Vergesellschaftung’ in German terms would mean good business for Berlin along neutral budgeting, according to Shafaqyar. Accordingly, the Initiative wants companies owning more than 3000 appartments to socialize these, meaning to no longer owning these against a given compensation (‘Entschädigung’) – as long as such entail the intention of making a profit (“Gewinnerzielungsabsicht”). The intitiative claims that this would stop raising rents and ensure affordable housing, in the longterm. Berliners can vote September 26, 2021, in parallel to the Parliament of Berlin (‘Abgeordnetenhaus’) and parliamentary elections, in favour of the said socialisation of rents.
SOURCE:© dpa-infocom, dpa:210917-99-253956/2 © dpa
translation @berlinsights.de
Berlin – Kiezleben luxuriös & Down-Under: nicht nur im Schillerkiez
#berlinsights.de dankt allen bei #heschek.beschek für die schöne Performance an 9.Hoffestspielen 07. – 11.9.2021 mit Expedition Metropolis e.V. 10999 Berlin
Mitte September hiess es in Schöneberg
Luxuriöses Wohnen im Untergrund: Susanne Schilp erzählt …
‘Mit viel Ironie ging im Schillerkiez Mitte August eine ungewöhnliche Plakat-Aktion an den Start – Neukölln, see
Berlin Pride 24.07.2021
With some 35 000 pride Berliners and friends from all oevr the LGBTIQ community, the day was sunny, people were polite and followed almost no public speeches, so it was absolutely BERLIN :-)
Berlin downtown summer nights Graffities anonymous
The author most líkely is a brave woman nearby who keeps on innovating her beautiful art against house walls – we thank her a lot, keep on!