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… sagte sich Emily Dickinson vor gut 200 Jahren …
While we tend to think of Kreta summer times, Berlin BER says: more than one million visitors expected between Christmas and New Year 2024 to 2025:
great for Berlin! We are happily receiving those who come, and some who might stay: welcome to Berlin! Happy festivities to all, stay well and come back, if you wish so.
There is quite a lot to DO here in Berlin at grey and somewhat cold November days, such as visiting one of the many museums like the New National Gallery, or the new ´museum of exile` at Anhalter Bahnhof under Herta Mueller`s patronage, see https://stiftung-exilmuseum.berlin/en.
Plenty of cafés and restaurants invite us to sip a cup of coffee while reading a nice article about ugly politics, chatting with people we do not really know, or to check out current theatre and movie events. This entails screening original features at streets we would stroll along thereafter …
Parks and winter markets let us think of festive moments towards Christmas and end-of-the year attractions, although we all suffer ongoing war situations in South East Europe, the Middle East or beyond. We won’t really go for Spa-visits either that let us drown in wellness and relaxation, matters we do not really fancy these days.
picture source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/berlin-spree-herbst-wasser-baum-6907526/
Late autumn flowers between Bavaria and Berlin ease our sorrow for ugly US elections and worrying results.
We will see what this all will bring, we know: `there is work to come` for us who remain at unease.
Let us convincingly fight for better outcomes here in Berlin and everywhere, locally and globally!
Walking home along Audre-Lorde-street in Berlin Kreuzberg feels so right!
… wandering what these young women near Omar Ibn al-Khattab Mosque might think about?
Audre Lorde and her much younger soul sister May Ayyim would have, eventually, discussed black – African and German identity while walking there to confront white male dominance …?
Brandenburg`s Stonegate Tower – der Steintorturm – stands for a 15th Century monument housing a museum landscape along the river Havel today. Fishing and crafts had been part of the local past, and remain such until today’s artisanal activities in a region employing more than a million out of 2.5 mid inhabitants in most diverse and innovative trades, see https://mwae.brandenburg.de/sixcms/detail.php/155705.
Great to learn that Theodor Heuss, 1st President for Germany back in 1949, spoke clearly and performed as a designer. He meant to convey a newly emerging democracy by the art of communicating, also by design.
Instead of throwing away things, there are always means and ways to get your tools repaired: this is why I took this picture passing by in my neighbourhood – test it out for yourselves!