With some 35 000 pride Berliners and friends from all oevr the LGBTIQ community, the day was sunny, people were polite and followed almost no public speeches, so it was absolutely BERLIN :-)
Monthly Archives: July 2021
Berlin downtown summer nights Graffities anonymous
The author most líkely is a brave woman nearby who keeps on innovating her beautiful art against house walls – we thank her a lot, keep on!
Lesbische Sichtbarkeit auch im bayrischen Landtag: 07 2021
Pippo Miller bei Mutter Fourage: Juli 2021
Cosy Jazz with Brazilian sounds and Berlin spirit by www.pippo-miller.de: we were there, enjoying Mutter Fourage near Wannsee lake at Chausseestr. 15 in 14109 Berlin, with daíly food & snacks & wine see www.hofcafe-berlin.de!
Deutschland’s ‘blind spot’ in extremism
Click on the button to load the content from www.migazin.de.
https://www.berlin-airport.de/de/presse/presseinformationen/mitteilungen-archiv/2021/2021-07-02-verkehrsbericht/index.php?bezuggrd=CHP&utm_source=cp-vollversion Have a walk along the Humboldt Forum area near U5 opening shortly (July 09, 2021 = coming SOON).
In the meantime, scroll around ‘Kreuzkölln’ area near Hermannplatz: Hasenheide park allows you to visit ‘Turnvater Jahn’ who is known to having conducted hate speech in his awkward sportivities see https://facettenneukoelln.wordpress.com/2016/10/23/buecherverbrennung-tempelhofer_feld-schundliteratur-museum_neukoelln/#more-112242