Monthly Archives: May 2016

Myanmar Chinlone Game Early Summer

… five boring years within the sound of bugles …

Orwell’s phrase about his time as a police officer in Burma in the 1920s  make me aware of the slow process of change that Myanmar, former Burma, is going through in the 21st century. See more about Orwell in Myanmar here.
Myanmar Chinlone Game Early Summer: the fineness of this Asian ball game impresses by the light material used for the small rounded rattan basket. The tender players, women and men, exercise the acrobatic activity with great moves aimed at keeping the ball off the ground. As a teamsport with no opposing team, Chinlone represents a martial arts over thousands of years, an art that seems a perfect answer to Western culture. Andy et Chinlone has made it to an olympic discipline, after all. See images here.

So is Chinloje a’mystic ball’? see


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