All posts by Susanne

About Susanne

berlinsights as tour operator, coach and guide walks through Berlin like a flaneur, as berlinsights director Susanne was told the other day along her new features and ideas shared. A true-born Berliner, she adores Berlin's people, lakes, museums, business ventures, ideas and more. Together with her creative team of guides and friends, colleagues and clients, Susanne never gets bored, loves being in town besides international consultancies or local (ad)ventures.

Deutschland’s ‘blind spot’ in extremism

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BER is IT Have a walk along the Humboldt Forum area near U5 opening shortly (July 09, 2021 = coming SOON).

In the meantime, scroll around ‘Kreuzkölln’ area near Hermannplatz: Hasenheide park allows you to visit ‘Turnvater Jahn’ who is known to having conducted hate speech in his awkward sportivities see

Schwarze Menschen auch hier nicht immer sicher

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Summer 2021 in Berlin & all over the place inclusive. the US with Carl Nassib

Regenbogen leuchten lassen_06_2021

Summer Berlinale 2021

Berlin is in summer motion among squealing S-trains, yet rewarding film moments at the Museum island, see

Walking along the newly opened entrance to the Humboldt Forum, the James Simon Gallery is a must-see, as the entrance next to the New Museum and the entire landscape of museums between Pergamon, Bode and the old national gallery is in his name, see

James Simon, a philanthropist who died poor (1851 – 1932), was a German of Jewish descent whose father moved to Berlin from Pommern to run his trade as tailor and cotton king during the late 19th century. The young James equally learned his textile trade and quickly became No. 07 on the rank of Prussian millionaires and so-called “Kaiserjuden” of the time. Burried at the jewish cemetery at Berlin’s Schönhauser Allee, Simon belonged to the inner few at Emperor Wilhelm II. whose liberal views to fight antisemitism made him defend the Weimar Republic. It was James Simon, under the German Emperor’s protectorate, who was crucial in setting up the ‘Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft’ and kept the colored bust of Nofretete at his private desk.


Berlin’s Bridges beyond Venice: 2021, State-of-theArt

Die Waisenbrücke | Objekte und Geschichten | Stadtmuseum Berlin

These days, downtown Berlin or as we say ‘Mitte’ recalls the history of the Waisenbrücke’, a bridge planned again for the years to come, see

and the old bridge of 1904 in the heart of Berlin-Coelln

Allied Museum Berlin, May 12, 2021: Berlinblockade vor 72 Jahren beendet Am 72. Jahrestag gibt es nur „individuelles Gedenken“ – 12. Mai 2021 ist der 72. Jahrestag der Beendigung der #Berlin Blockade, heute nur ein „individuelles Gedenken“, so die Senatskanzlei Berlin. Das Alliiertenmuseum blickt auf die Zeit zurück, an denen die Berliner noch zusammen mit den Veteranen der #Luftbrücke am #Luftbrückendenkmal gemeinsam erinnern konnten.