Reflecting Migration, Berlin 2022

The exhibition is worth seeing more than once, just go to Bülowstr. 90 in D – 10783 BerlinKhatar = Danger

Fresh A.I.R #6

Scholarship Exhibition “REFLECTING MIGRATION” – 11th March to 31st of July 2022

Now in interim use by Berlin’s Housing Society GEWOBAG, the exhibition space invites to engage in “cultural differences and multiple strategies for life in urban space”, according to Janine Arndt, art director of ‘Reflecting Migration‘. The Foundation “Berlin Leben” presents the works of the 6th Fresh A.I.R. class, see

The artists are Denise Lobont, Nikki Spanou, Andreas Langfeld, Ludivine Thomas-Andersson, Marta Bogdańska, Ecaterina Stefanescu, Zeynep Okyay und Aslı Dinç, Linda Söderholm, Regina Vitányi, Tomáš Kajánek and Maria Pichel, spending 6 months (10/2021 – 03/2022) to reflect their views on migration artistically. With a monthly stipend by GEWOBAG real estate, they create their own perspectives about cultural differences from their home countries of France or Romania, Germany or Turkey, exploring their ways to enlarge life strategies in Berlin’s urban space. Be it dark pictures of racial profiling, small “passports” designed and spread around local spaces, or the meticulous shopping area built like a puppet house that reflects ‘home’, a lot of thoughts went into their works.

GEWOBAG Foundation was set up in May 2013 under the umbrella of art and culture, youth, senior citizens and more – following the motto “Connect. Create. Care.” Along these lines, the ‘Kiez meets Museum’ equally aims at creating art with young people.

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