Manga and Fantasy crowds, literature dates and conversations all around: wonderful book fair among diverse female and other futures … :-)
Berlin Alexanderplatz, April 2023
Berlin Election Results, April 2023
Berlin elections were much harder than going by bike through town: it tells us that weather is less important than just a real `Swapfliets` bicycle as a Service that truly deserves its name: You just go to any of their shops downtown Berlin, organise your particular demand and obtain the best offer of a riding vehicle – its translation from Dutch into German simply says: urban infrastructure by bike is FUN and ensures our future!
Spring in Berlin, March 2023
Photograph taken at Beginenhof in 10999 Berlin
… it is getting warmer, day by day. We Berliners enjoy even freezing temperatures, yet sun and spring buds warm our hearts, and chill our souls. We all know Berlin is crowded with nations from all over the world, and this is our pride. We thank each and everybody for being here with us, please continue to come: welcome to Berlin!
Kottbusser Tor Berlin 2023
… of course: Berlin Kreuzberg never asked for additional police presence at Kott-busser Tor, a square that rarely sleeps and that often prevails, despite social inequity and drunken Newberliners, here or there. Languages are as multiple as diverse needs and interests may appear throughout age, sex, identity and income. The latter is scarce for some, and futile for others. Police cannot help here, it is family – foreigners – friends who do, at least sometimes.
No Fear with this is 2023
Germany`s Rightwing Groups are all over the Place … while Berlin continues !Magyar Modern!
Listening to Dr. Lena Kreck (PhD, jur, DIE LINKE), Senator for Justice, Diversity and Antidiscrimination, it appears timely to take action against rightwing groups in Germany: according to news these days, Berlin`s Senate plans for disciplinary steps against judge Birgit Mahlmann-Winkelmann, in custody now according to RBB Info radio – Berliners trust their local Government!
Topography of Terror Documentation centre Berlin highly informative
NOV 30, 2022, Topography of Terror Documentation Centre in Berlin Niederkirchnerstr.8:
Bill Niven, UK, University Nottingham/former senior Fellow at D-Munich Institute for Contemporary Historical Centre for Holocaust Studies, about Veit Harlan’s propaganda film of 1940:
the venue was packed with an audience of all ages and cultures, listening to Bill`s splendid presentation on whether or not to allow public viewing of JUD SUESS, NS propaganda film of 1940, viewed by 20 million Germans at the time!
My 99-year old friend Dr Inge Keller confirms that this was compulsory for all, being obliged to join large arenas and venues at schools, Universities and industrial premises. With Austrian – German actor Werner Krauss as the main character, audiences adored his charismatic self of being a dedicated Nazi, personally called upon by Hitler for his self-image of why he became an actor with a sadistic touch: … `ein Nazi und ein Schweinehund`.
Berlin Walks / Metro in Winter 2022
City walks in and around Berlin will always surprise our visitors from far who wonder how close we are at our nearby forests and parks. No cars needed, all is in reach by public transport, the BVG or any regional means of getting into motion!
Berlin Lahore in Autumn 2022
It is fun thinking of Lahore, city of noise and cars, food and digital innovation.
While Berliners admire their Alexanderplatz TV Tower in summer, Punjab-based people in Pakistan`s Lahore suffer bad air and lack of meaningful job prospects for young people.
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One of the many exceptions to differ in Pakistan is of course music such as …