“rivers and lakes around Berlin these days slowly greet the cooler winter season, open for all water wonders and bird watchers. For special outings and hidden corners, ask berlinsights!”
Hindu Temple Berlin, September Opening
This is the first Hindu temple created by the Hindu community in Berlin:
berlinsights paid an extended visit to Berlin’s first Hindu temple inaugurated in Neukoellen/Britz in September 2013. It was a sunny day with hundreds of visitors from nearby and abroad, both contributing to making teh atmosphere special!
The floating garbage collectors
Chased-away trash like bottles, broken bikes and dead dogs in plastic bags: this is only some of the environmental waste thrown into the rivers of Berlin. An impressive analysis of garbage items is collected daily between the Landwehr canal and the river Spree. With yearly 450 tons of things thrown without care into the waters of our city, the two municipal employees Richard and Waldemar do their back-breaking job on a motorized Catamaran, eight meters long and one of three such floating garbage collectors. They do not complain, they just do their job.
excerpt from taz, die tageszeitung 19.08.2013
„L’ordre règne à Berlin“
berlinsights in August reads books like „L’ordre règne à Berlin“ de Francesco Masci: 2013 (Ed.Allia, Paris). While in Berlin, You can find it at the French bookstore ZADIG, Linienstr.141. Masci lets us discover Rosa Luxemburg with:
Eure »Ordnung« ist auf Sand gebaut. Die Revolution wird sich morgen schon »rasselnd wieder in die Höh’ richten« und zu eurem Schrecken mit Posaunenklang verkünden: »Ich war, ich bin, ich werde sein!«”
ROSA LUXEMBURG: “Die Ordnung herrscht in Berlin”, in Die Rote Fahne Nr. 14, 14. Januar 1919
Among our hidden places downtown Berlin, we spent some time at the new coffeebar & mediashop friedrichstr.215 in 10969 Berlin (stop U6: Kochstr.). Open since November 2012, management, food and beverages are decent (see foto) – enjoy!”