UNESCO highlights fragility of press freedom in the face of COVID-19 in 2020
Berlin December 2020
Mid-December 2020, Müller obliges Berliners… “… to contain the Corona pandemic, public life in Berlin is largely shut down a good week before Christmas.” #berlinsights says ‘yes-we-can’!
September 2020, the mayor’s focus had been on … „Berlin is the City of freedom, tolerance and diversity. Berlin as a country appeals to the city’s ‘lived individual diversity’ that emphasizes people’s joint “miteinander” that brings us together. Müller: … “I am proud to present Berlin as a brand that points to exactly this – our common ground at the centre of all’.
#berlinsights agrees, and thanks all Berliners to be who they are, women and men, young and old, local and Bavarian, Togolese and African: welcome here!
Berlin today, November 10, 2020
Was Corona (un)sichtbar macht – Auftaktgespräch zur Asylinitiativenkonferenz
Heinrich Böll Stiftung – was diskutiert wurde, ist tatsächlich zentral: https://www.boell.de/de/2019/11/25/berliner-aktionsplan-neustart-der-europaeischen-asyl-und-migrationspolitik-notwendig. Hier ein Auszug aus Ellen Ueberschär’s guter Rede:
“Asyl und Migration sind nicht die Themen, an denen Europa scheitern muss. Im Gegenteil, es ist genau eine dieser Fragen, die Europa gemeinsam meistern kann und auch gemeinsam meistern muss. Der Berliner Aktionsplan für einen Neustart in der Asyl- und Migrationspolitik ist ein deutlicher Schritt einer vernetzten und lebendigen europäischen Zivilgesellschaft, die sich konstruktiv um Lösungen kümmert.”
For CORONA BERLIN, see UPDATES at thelocal.de:
BER Airport Berlin Schönefeld
Welcome to the new airport in Berlin Schönefeld, 9 years later than planned, a real male institution that starts to live a new LIFE now: CONGRATULATIONS :-)
einBerlin = THE CITY’S NEW SLOGAN, as Mayor Müller says: „Im neuen Markenauftritt des Landes Berlin geht es darum, neben dem gelebten individuellen Vielfalt auch das zu betonen, was uns Menschen in Berlin verbindet.“
Zerstreuung überall! LIGNA internationales radioballet
Thank You for this blog, #berlinsights participated in LIGNA, excited and happy to have lived the experience here in Berlin, at Uferstudios in 13357 Berlin.
How crown corks can show the beauty of art in urban waste
This visual „call for attention“ by Berlin’s BSR waste officials lets park visitors at Gleisdreieck grasp the urgency of changing their lax habit to throw used stuff into nature instead of using the bins widely available.
berlinsights Sand-Pendel Juni 2020: times do not yet change.
berlinsights.de is back in Berlin, after more than a year working in South Africa. When we looked at our former premises Unter den Linden (UdL) 40, we found that the 10.000 sqm between Mittelstr. and UdL are currently being completely refurbished, works tasked to the David Chipperfield group by investor Harm Müller – Speer from Hamburg. He had made the deal for the “French Palais’ in 2014, winning the bid from among 350 potential parties interested in the historic building. The same investor of the Spreedreieck (near Friedrichstr.140), the former and famous ‘Tränenpalast’ and the ‘Hackesche Höfe’, among others, is said to expand office space by up to 17.000 sqm. His shame came with Berlin’s municipality that first opposed partial damage of the historic site: monument protection is ‘holy’ for Berliners, or at least he had to wait a bit for the building permit. By now, mid-2020, people hardly realize that works are speeding up. As for now, media stay silent, although ZDF is right next door. Who wants to know more, tours can be organized.
River Spree Molecule Man Berlin
Back from South Africa, river Spree receives many more visitors than the pandemic would allow, as we are all Berliners! Stay safe!