All posts by Susanne

About Susanne

berlinsights as tour operator, coach and guide walks through Berlin like a flaneur, as berlinsights director Susanne was told the other day along her new features and ideas shared. A true-born Berliner, she adores Berlin's people, lakes, museums, business ventures, ideas and more. Together with her creative team of guides and friends, colleagues and clients, Susanne never gets bored, loves being in town besides international consultancies or local (ad)ventures.

Poor Nawalny .. what a drama, he died in Russian detention far out, in the middle of nowhere

What a very sad end of such a brave and courageous human rights activist in Russia. is mourning for Nawalny, February 16, 2024

The world will see wether it is true or not says his wife, seeöse-bekämpfen-ehefrau-von-nawalny-ruft-welt-zum-kampf-gegen-kreml-auf/ar-BB1inMZ0?OCID=ansmsnnews11

Berlinsights in 2024

… still time to visit Dreiraum f. fotografie based in 10179 Berlin, Waldemarstr.17 near Engelbecken, see exhibition ‘Ruth Orkan – WOMEN’ see
by Nadine Barth and Katharina Mouratidi, the current f3 team! Recommended by

Eierhäuschen 2024 Berlin: sad story!

Das Eierhaeuschen am Treptower Park lebt!

Wer hätte das gedacht! Das Eierhäuschen erwacht in neuem Glanz: wir sind aber nun gar nicht mehr gespannt, denn:
nun erreichte uns ein Anwaltschreiben im Auftrag der dpa PICTURE-Alliance GmbH (60327 FFM) wegen eines dpa Fotos, das wir namentlich mit Quelle & Autor veröffentlicht hatten! Wie traurig, dass auf diesem Weg urheberrechtlich mit einer finanziellen Forderung belangt wird.

dpa, bei der ich selbst als junge Studentin Hospitantin war, hätte ich mehr Anstand öffentlichen Rechts zugetraut.

Berlin – Friedenau City Tour Late September 2023

Guided Tour through Friedenau

When people move, after a decade in Berlin, they tend to leave a suitcase: at least one full of memories shared at places that may seem funny and sad, at the same time.

One such spot is the so-called ‘Geisterhaus” at Stubenrauch street where we took-off one late September: a fabulous building known as ‘ghosts’ place’ today is silent since long, despite Berlin’s ban against misuse on living space (2014) .
We pass most splendid Jugendstil houses just to realize that our Berlinale bear stems from female sculptor Renee Sintenis who managed to survive NS times in the same neigbourhood: a square is named after her, best described by Berlin journalist Maritta Tkalec with her splendid collection of the City of Berlin along 60 Objects.

Reminiscences of real estate magnate Haberland at Rüdesheimer Platz, public toilets from ancient times, and fountain of Siegfried alluding to Rhine wine valleys and Garden Terace City let us pass by late Guenter Grass and Uwe-Johnson-Salon with living artists thanks to Christa Moog’s Literature Hotel at Fregestr.68. We only get a glimpse of past Jewish prayer room near Stolperstein Initiative Stierstr 21, and we forgot to think of ‘Papa’ Heuss, Germany’s 1st President ever. So we glance at least at the Valide-i Sultan Mosque at Hedwig street, only to remind us of colonial times at

Berlin Marathon: Tigis Assefa, Ethiopia, wins!

source: Der Spiegel, 20.09.2023.

Within two hours, eleven minutes and 53 seconds, 29-year-young Tigis has become the 1st woman ever to make that 42 km distance faster than anyone else among some 48000 participants from more than 150 countries. The police was at least as quick on the same avenue June 17 by stoping clima activists’ efforts to seal and block the event by gluing themselves on that spot. Congrats to ETHIOPIA says!