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75th Berlinale – Various Places / Lots of Films: 13 – 23 Feb 2025

welcome to Berlin!

With first film screenings shown back in 1951, the Berlinale looks back at 75 years preparing for new sights and many slots of even more celluloid features. My first adventure this year comes with Australia`s Fwends: what an extraordinary acquaintance of spontaneity emerging among mainly two good old friends, both young women who dare to talk about their angers and deceptions, worries and simplicity in what they actually dream of … both the film maker herself as well as the actresses convince the Berlin audience of their honesty in surprises: I am glad I went!

Excited to see more screenings soon!

berlinsights mobility in 2025: bikes along small streets in Berlin

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2025 Berlin fogs at Gleisdreieck while Swiss snow is for consensus

Snow is bright in Swiss mountains, less so in Berlin, Germany, these days. Local politics appear foggy, yet clarity emerges with forthcoming federal elections and local decisions being made: with the Gleisdreieck project called `Urbane Mitte neu denken: Bebauungsplanverfahren ergebnisoffen gestalten`, Berliners seek consensus in their fight for communal rights. The bike path Berlin-Leipzig is just one of the various most relevant actions being discussed towards the second half of 2024. At the end of the day, Berlin will have to continue to fight against all ecological harm that the city`s land-use plan may cause. The communal group at Gleisdreieck will continue to connect with neighbours and initiatives on both ends of the park, be it Kreuzberg, Mitte (Tiergarten Süd) or Schöneberg. With more than 30.000 supporters, the Petition against the `Urbane Mitte` continues its path of efforts. The same applies to fundraising initiatives the action group Gleisdreieck e.V. prepares against possible claims with regards to the land-use plan Urbane Mitte: `weiter so` we say, for 2025!

Ecstasy in living … December 2024

… sagte sich Emily Dickinson vor gut 200 Jahren …

While we tend to think of Kreta summer times, Berlin BER says: more than one million visitors expected between Christmas and New Year 2024 to 2025:
great for Berlin! We are happily receiving those who come, and some who might stay: welcome to Berlin! Happy festivities to all, stay well and come back, if you wish so.

Bandenburg an der Havel: a Visit nearby Berlin

Brandenburg`s Stonegate Tower – der Steintorturm – stands for a 15th Century monument housing a museum landscape along the river Havel today. Fishing and crafts had been part of the local past, and remain such until today’s artisanal activities in a region employing more than a million out of 2.5 mid inhabitants in most diverse and innovative trades, see

Berlinsights August 2024

Sad stories on the city of Solingen (Bergisches Land, NRW) around a seemingly knife-carrying potential assassin who had lived nearby in an Asylum location nearby: his quest for refuge had been rejected earlier. Such news appear like fire and oil for an obviously ill-informed German society that too easily jumps into generalisation of realities hardly being digested.