Walking with my friend Ayshe whom I had met via NGOs in the field of migration and refuge at Freiwilligen-Agency Berlin Kreuzberg, the story of Berlin’s 1st ‘Ampel’, installed in 1924, refers to the traffic light system of former times. This is as new to her as the entire build-up around cinematic events along Berlinale: https://www.berlinstadtservice.de/xinh/Verkehrsampel_Potsdamer_Platz.html.
We both agreed that the ‘Walk of Stars’ in the middle path crossing Potsdamerstr. looks lousily abandoned – unlike the exhibition these days around “Die Deutschen des 21. Jahrhunderts” :-) = worth walking along and enjoying Potsdamer Platz this way!
All posts by Susanne
Funny though true: how to do business with Germans? CEFE.net says it all
Freiflächen in Berlin: 20
Berliner Rassismus pur: eine Begegnung am 26.04.2022
… die arme Alma … hätte ich sie doch retten können heute morgen!
Die junge Frau aus dem westafrikanischen Guinea, unterwegs zum Deutschkurs nach Berlin – Mitte, kam nicht weiter auf dem langen Weg von Friedrichshagen am Müggelsee – wo sie nie sein wollte – warum?
Ein älterer weisser Mann stellt sich ihr in den Weg, spuckt ihr ins Gesicht und das einzige Wort, das Alma verstehen kann, ist “… AUSLÄNDER” … der ‘Monsieur’, wie sie ihn höflich bezeichnet, war offensichtlich völlig außer sich.
Wovor? Warum? Alma ist ein schöne, groß gewachsene und mutige Afrikanerin, die fliehen mußte, aus ihrer Heimat, in der sie als Frau nicht geschützt war. Mehr dazu später, heute erstmal dies:
Alma, vor Angst und Verzweiflung, kehrt nach Hause zurück, mit dem Deutsch ist es jetzt grad erstmal vorbei … in welchem Land, welcher Stadt leben wir denn?
Ich wende mich an die sozialen Versorgungsstellen, in der Hoffnung, etwas für Alma
Beschützendes zu finden … da wo sie jetzt lebt, bewege man sich besser nicht mit
anderer als weißer Hautfarbe = Berliner Rassismus pur, o.a. ‘pur&dur’.
s.a. https://www.dw.com/de/wie-sieht-das-leben-f%C3%BCr-schwarze-menschen-in-deutschland-wirklich-aus/a-53545185
#berlinsights is under shock.
Do Berlin plans turn into ‘Sky Scraper’ Nightmares at Gleisdreieck? April jokes or ‘7 bridges’ to walk?
The Gleisdreieck blog refers to the Berlin newspaper ‘Tagesspiegel’on April 01, 2022, where coalition parties put into question towers for business and administration of 90 meters hight, planned at a time of up to 100 000 empty flats in Berlin, back in 2005. Civil society and local communities appear in disfavour of an area that would be sealed for car parks several storeys under the soil, damaging the park’s ecological function of cooling and airing the city. This is why the coalition contract now foresees the following:
” … the urban concept is being analysed for current clima-political tasks with a view to allow for building and housing, in due course. …” – so how to go about this challenge?
– According to the Left party, one should abandon the entire project altogether.
– The Green party opts for an enlargened park, with its Southern front towards the former postal Station to remain.
A short explanation on the 2005 city concept highlights the compensation regime that has led to this status of not deciding: it says that if the opportunity to use property stakes for construction is not used, Vivivco (or its subsequent property owner) would be able to claim indemnity along §§ 42 ff. BauGB.
The Green party further indicates possible compensation of the owner of the property, falling back to the country of Berlin as the signatory party to Vivico. The Berlin Senate does not want to address such claims, since this would be a project by the municipality in charge of any planning failures. The local municipality, however, says the development plan could eventually be fixed for the Southern part of the deal by the end of 2022, as long as there are no other grounds for decision. Having said this, such decision would need to be met at Berlin country level.
The company in charge of planning and implementing all tower ideas since 2014 (the CORPO project development GmbH) claims itself sure of victory, with no further changes forseen, according to the newspaper (Tagesspiegel).
Source: https://www.facebook.com/matthias.bauer.351/posts/5173327322689643?notif_id=1649103491406275¬if_t=close_friend_activity&ref=notif
Berlin Staatsbibliothek Potsdamer Str.
https://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/en/ The entire buildiung is being refurbished, sooner or later, at present all is in a status of being praperd for renovation, in German it sounds serious: “Grundinstandsetzung” will only start in 2023, let alone when works will end, deifinitely not before 2025!
The Butcher, in ExMetropolis Community Theatre Berlin Kreuzberg
Reflecting Migration, Berlin 2022
The exhibition is worth seeing more than once, just go to Bülowstr. 90 in D – 10783 Berlin
Fresh A.I.R #6
Scholarship Exhibition “REFLECTING MIGRATION” – 11th March to 31st of July 2022
Now in interim use by Berlin’s Housing Society GEWOBAG, the exhibition space invites to engage in “cultural differences and multiple strategies for life in urban space”, according to Janine Arndt, art director of ‘Reflecting Migration‘. The Foundation “Berlin Leben” presents the works of the 6th Fresh A.I.R. class, see https://www.stiftung-berliner-leben.de/eroeffnung-fresh-a-i-r-6-scholarship-exhibition-reflecting-migration-am-samstag-den-12-03-2022/
The artists are Denise Lobont, Nikki Spanou, Andreas Langfeld, Ludivine Thomas-Andersson, Marta Bogdańska, Ecaterina Stefanescu, Zeynep Okyay und Aslı Dinç, Linda Söderholm, Regina Vitányi, Tomáš Kajánek and Maria Pichel, spending 6 months (10/2021 – 03/2022) to reflect their views on migration artistically. With a monthly stipend by GEWOBAG real estate, they create their own perspectives about cultural differences from their home countries of France or Romania, Germany or Turkey, exploring their ways to enlarge life strategies in Berlin’s urban space. Be it dark pictures of racial profiling, small “passports” designed and spread around local spaces, or the meticulous shopping area built like a puppet house that reflects ‘home’, a lot of thoughts went into their works.
GEWOBAG Foundation https://www.stiftung-berliner-leben.de/ was set up in May 2013 under the umbrella of art and culture, youth, senior citizens and more – following the motto “Connect. Create. Care.” Along these lines, the ‘Kiez meets Museum’ equally aims at creating art with young people.
“Wir schaffen das” … immer wieder, auch in Berlin
Wenn wir die aktuelle taz-Kolumne lesen, unsere Gastfreundschaft zu ukrainischen Geflüchteten im Haus – hier am Beginenhof vorwiegend Frauen & Kinder – , oder der evangelischen Gemeinde und unter Freund*innen sehen, dann ahnen wir, damals war es doch irgendwie anders. Als so viele syrische Menschen in Deutschland Hilfe suchten, war es weit weniger persönlich, man/frau kam sich nicht so nahe wie uns jetzt die Menschen aus der Ukraine kommen dürfen. Sprache egal! Schon irgendwie befremdlich, finde ich als arabophile Islamwissenschaftlerin, die ihre arabischen Freund*innen nicht mehr missen möchte. Es bleibt spannend, wie wir uns als Berliner*innen weiter verhalten, über den Gang zur Friedens-Demo hinaus.
Care Work with 300 million jobs + and more
Care at work
Source: © GMB Akash / icddr,b
Greater investment in care could create almost 300 million jobs
Plugging existing, significant, gaps in care services could generate almost 300 million jobs and create a continuum of care that would help to alleviate poverty, encourage gender equality, and support care for children and the elderly, says new ILO report released ahead of International Women’s Day.
News | 07 March 2022
© GMB Akash / icddr,b
GENEVA (ILO News) – Persistent and significant gaps in care services and policies have left hundreds of millions of workers with family responsibilities without adequate protection and support, yet meeting these needs could create almost 300 million jobs by 2035, according to a new International Labour Organization (ILO) report.
The report, Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work , finds that three in ten women of reproductive age, or 649 million women, have inadequate maternity protection that does not meet the key requirements of the ILO’s Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) .
The Convention mandates 14 weeks minimum maternity leave on at least two-thirds of previous earnings, funded by social insurance or public funds. Eighty-two of the 185 countries surveyed for the report did not meet these standards, although “paid maternity leave or maternity protection is a universal human and labour right”, the study says. At the current pace of reform it will take at least 46 years to achieve minimum maternity leave rights in the countries analysed, which means the relevant target of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals will not be met.
More than 1.2 billion men of prime reproductive age live in countries with no entitlement to paternity leave, although it would help to balance the work and family responsibilities of both mothers and fathers, the report says. Where there is paternity leave it remains short – a global average of nine days – creating a large “gender leave gap”. The take-up of paternity leave entitlements is also low; a consequence, the report suggests, of low paternity pay, gender norms and policy design.
The Care at work report offers a global overview of national laws, policies and practices on care, including maternity, paternity, parental, child and long-term care. It highlights how some workers fall outside the scope of these legal protections. These include the self-employed, workers in the informal economy, migrants, and adoptive and LGBTQI+ parents. It also looks at the case for – and potential impact of – greater investment in care.
In only 40 of the countries surveyed did pregnant or nursing women have a right to be protected against dangerous or unhealthy work, in line with ILO standards. Only 53 countries offered a right to paid time off for prenatal medical examinations. Time off, income security and appropriate facilities for breastfeeding were also lacking in many countries.
“We need to re-think the way we provide care policies and services so that they form a continuum of care that provides children with a good start, supports women to stay in employment and prevents families or individuals falling into poverty.”
Manuela Tomei, Director, ILO Conditions of Work and Equality Department
The need for long-term care services for older persons and those with disabilities has been rising steeply because of increased life expectancy and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic . However, the study finds that access to services such as residential care, community day services and in-home care, remains inaccessible to the great majority of those who need them world-wide, although “long-term care services are essential to ensure the right to healthy ageing in dignity”.
The report finds “a strong investment case” for creating a transformative package of care policies, based on universal access, that would create a breakthrough pathway for building a better and more gender equal world of work. Investment in gender equal leave, universal childcare and long-term care services could generate up to 299 million jobs by 2035, it says. Closing these policy gaps would require an annual investment of US$5.4 trillion (equivalent to 4.2 per cent of total annual GDP) by 2035, some of which could be offset by an increase in tax revenue from the additional earnings and employment.
“We need to re-think the way we provide care policies and services so that they form a continuum of care that provides children with a good start, supports women to stay in employment and prevents families or individuals falling into poverty,” said Manuela Tomei, Director, ILO Conditions of Work and Equality Department. “Plugging these care gaps should be seen as an investment that not only supports health and livelihoods but fundamental rights, gender equity and greater representation too.”
Tags: employment creation, women workers, family leave, maternity protection, child care, family responsibilities, social protection, poverty alleviation, care economy, gender equality, womens rights, older persons, women, medical care
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Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work
See also
Executive summary [pdf 587KB]
Web pages
ILO topic portal on Care Economy
ILO topic portal on Gender Equality
Normative instrument
C183 Maternity Protection Convention, 2000
Media contact