All posts by Susanne

About Susanne

berlinsights as tour operator, coach and guide walks through Berlin like a flaneur, as berlinsights director Susanne was told the other day along her new features and ideas shared. A true-born Berliner, she adores Berlin's people, lakes, museums, business ventures, ideas and more. Together with her creative team of guides and friends, colleagues and clients, Susanne never gets bored, loves being in town besides international consultancies or local (ad)ventures.

April in Berlin in full Swing

Berlin streets call for major visits to films, locations and parks all around, the city invites citizens2be from wherever they arrive, welcome to all :-) with “ACHTUNG BERLIN” presenting ‘Zwei im Falschen Film’ as a screening of reality-couple between serenity and detachment, see more on …

Winter in Berlin, Germany, December 30, 2017

The Berlin LICHTBÜHNE seems rather silent these days, yet not fully passive. Let us see what the year 2018 will bring in terms of lights, shows, music and, most importantly, people! We continue to welcome refugees emerging from difficult living circumstances, in particular women with their children, sometimes with or without husbands, often carrying the families’ burden to sustain in life. Let us just welcome them in full generosity, having fled unbearable situations. We all remember our grand grandparents and their war- and postwar stories. Living in Berlin today means to be part of several generations without any war, let alone without hunger. Thank You world!

Doha’s False Venice

Doha_False_Venice Lebanese anthropologist Rawane Nasif has created a beautiful scenery with her 12′ film (2016, 12 min. Arabic) at the Berlinale 2017. The film, entitled Sokun Al Sulhufat “Turtles are Always Home” reflects the “false Venice” of real estate reality, shown at the Berlinale (my personal highlight)!